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Fielder's Choice, Inc.
15255 Gulf Freeway, Suite 135-A
Houston, TX 77034
Phone: (281) 484-6400  |  Fax: (281) 484-6401

General Information:  info@fielderschoiceinc.com
Online Sales:  sales@fielderschoiceinc.com
Web Development:  webmaster@fielderschoiceinc.com

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday:   8:00 am - 5:00 pm 
Saturday:  Offices Closed, Field Services Available
Sundays:  Closed

**Any orders placed in our online store Saturday or Sunday will be processed on Monday (or the next available business day if placed on a holiday).

Our Staff

Tom Worthen, President
Email - tworthen@fielderschoiceinc.com
Cell - (713) 828-0113

Kristi Dodd, Accounting/Office Manager
Email - kristi@fielderschoiceinc.com
Cell - (713) 829-6232

Andy Broughton, Marketing/Sales Manager
Email - abroughton@fielderschoiceinc.com
Cell - (713) 252-0650

Ashley Worthen, Office Administrator
Email: ashley@fielderschoiceinc.com

Chad Odum, Service Repair/Product Distribution

Carlos Rodriguez, Field Manager
Cell - (832) 309-9714

Austin Garcia, Field Supervisor
Cell - (281) 808-9811